The taste is delicious, delicious like fish sauce but anchovy rice but healthy and clean 100% (the Ministry of Health recognized international standard HACCP), peace of mind between the time of industrial fish sauce, phase many chemicals !
In the real life, the world we live in, the world in which Shakyamuni Buddha is reigning. In the real world, vegetarianism means good. Because the vegetarian properties of the solder is so easy to eat, it gives us a feeling of lightness.
In addition, the vegetarian dishes are derived from vegetables, roots, fruits, natural ingredients, so less chemicals and toxic to bring the fresh and good for the body.
Through scientific studies show that vegetarian food is less energy and protein. Although they are at the lowest level in the power tower, they provide more fiber, so they are more nourishing and more resilient than salty foods.
Motivation to help many people find a vegetarian diet and to do it regularly is because the direction of good healing from there spread this idea widely. And of course everyone wants good things so vegetarianism is a trend in the social media material.
In short, vegetarianism is to bring about a healthy body, to help us cultivate our mind, to heal ourselves from evil, to become close and friendly to nature. Especially in the spiritual world, vegetarianism is about the desire for nirvana and the attainment of righteousness.